Tire Technician Spotlight: Refugio Rosales
by Jennifer Reisinger, on November 3, 2023 at 9:26 AM
Welcome back! In this month's employee spotlight, we're recognizing Refugio Rosales, one of our Pasco branch's most devoted family members. He is a well-rounded tire technician with a passion for people. Read on to learn more about Refugio, his interest in travel, and why he's been a valued Mid Columbia Forklift family member for over a decade.
How Long Have You Worked at Mid Columbia Forklift?
I have worked at Midco for about 10 years now.
How Many Years Do You Have of Technical Experience?
I have about 30 years of experience as a tire technician under my belt.
How Did You Get Started as a Tire Technician?
I got started as a tire technician by answering an ad in the newspaper that was advertising a job for a forklift tire technician.
What Do You Like About Your Job? Any Fun Facts?
I think that what I like the most about my job is all the travel it entails. I get to travel all around eastern Washington as well as parts of Oregon and meet a lot of different people.
How Is Mid Columbia Forklift Different From Other Places You’ve Worked?
The family atmosphere at Mid Columbia Forklift is great and, believe it or not, pretty unique.
Tell Us About a Professional Achievement You Feel Especially Proud Of.
While I do have so much experience as a tire technician, working with forklifts presents its own unique challenges. It’s fun and rewarding.
What Do You Do With Your Free Time?
In my free time, I can probably be found spending time with friends and family.
What Is Your Favorite Local Sports Team, Local Bar, or Restaurant?
My favorite sports team is the Las Vegas Raiders. My favorite type of restaurant is a steak house.
Anything Else You’d Like People To Know About You?
I’m fun to hang out with and a very caring person.
Passionate About People
Technical skill is only one part of being a top-notch tire technician. To be truly great, you must be a people person, willing to build relationships wherever the job takes you. Refugio excels in both these categories. Technicians like him are the backbone of Mid Columbia Forklift. That passion for people is what makes us a family and sets us apart from the competition.
Compassion is often an understated part of what keeps our clients' forklifts running. Our technicians care deeply about the people they serve. A job well done is more than just a work order. It's a commitment to a friend. That kind of human connection keeps our tire technicians excited and excelling. So, if you're a people person like Refugio, join our family of best-in-class technicians. Apply online or browse all of our available positions on our Careers page.
Auburn 253-854-5438
Pasco 509-547-7413
Wenatchee 509-663-9009
Yakima 509-457-5137
Further Reading
Tire Technician Spotlight: Duncan Bellotti
Mid Columbia Forklift Celebrates 45 Exciting Years
Forklift Technician Spotlight: Randy Evans